Dinner in the Dark - Cleveland, Ohio 44114 - Rated 4.9 based on 19 Reviews "What an amazing experience! Dinner In The Dark. In addition to the regular bookings, you can book a Dinner in the Dark as a corporate event or a private one with your love one. 64 meters FON Nord. Takeout possible. BLIND WAITERS SERVE A SURPRISE DINNER IN COMPLETE DARKNESS . It can be as simple as you want. Thanks to Courtney for looking after us! and create a culinary journey that challenges your taste buds and your table manners. Parking Street Attire Casual Payment Cash Mastercard Visa Places near Plan-B Rostock. Real Estate Service. Outdoor. Die Gäste gehen im Gänsemarsch ins kulinarische Ungewisse. OK with kids. 32 meters Naturheilpraxis LOT. Food/Grocery. Enjoy a fundraiser like no other while dining under blindfold at our Dinner in the Dark, presented by AAA – The Auto Club Group. Übersicht über die Veranstaltungsorte für Dinner in the Dark in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an denen das erlebnisreiche Essen im Dunkeln angeboten wird. 32 meters SCHALLMAUER -Rostocks Fliegerkneipe-Bar. 64 meters Dr. Tasler & Partner. Feel it! Dinner in the Dark is a surprising, funny, intimate and really singular experience. Dinner in the Dark opens you a way to new impressions and guides you behind the curtain of the visible world. “Blind” wine pull – 125 bottles of wine “hidden” from view. 41 meters Dr. Tasler & Partner Immobilien-Projekt GmbH. Catering. Dinner in the Dark in Rostock Weitere Informationen über das Dinner im Dunkeln in Rostock Real Estate. Lunch and dinner Takea drinkor a coffee. Dinner In The Dark. Hier isst das Auge nicht mit: Das Rostocker Lokal „Plan B“ veranstaltet regelmäßig das „Dinner in the Dark“. The great thing about dining in the dark at home as opposed to fancy blind dining restaurants is that the food doesn’t have to be fancy (and expensive) gourmet food. OK with groups. 50 … Specialty Grocery Store. Dark restaurant chefs even recommend keeping the flavors basic so that guests can figure out what they are eating. Dinner in the Dark has to be one of your experience in a life time. Local Business. $25 per ticket provides the chance to pull a bottle of wine (minimum of $20 value per bottle) In perfect darkness your senses will open to let you taste, smell, hear, touch and fell as intense as never before. No reservation. Beim Dinner in the Dark in Rostock hast Du die einmalige Gelegenheit, Dich von „optischen Täuschungen“ loszusagen: Ertaste Deine Umgebung, spüre jeden Lufthauch, schnupper mit Deiner Nase, nimm Geräusche neu und anders wahr und schmecke ohne jeglichen Einfluss Deines Sehorgans: Diesmal isst das Auge nicht mit. Business Services. 9 meters SCHALLMAUER -Rostocks Fliegerkneipe-Inn. Local Business. 58 meters Vom Fass - Rostock.