STRUCTURE Core Modules Research and Teaching International Economics Public Policy Advanced Modules 4 advanced modules in International Economics or Public Policy* Research Module Seminar in International Economics or Public Policy 1st and 2nd semester (Mainz) Advanced Modules Advanced modules in Finance and Accounting or Management Master … Each winter semester, five students are admitted to enroll in the 2-year Double Degree Program. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studienbüro 55099 Mainz. By the time you graduate, you'll be advancing your career, not just launching it! Application deadline: February 1. To be eligible for the Master of Accounting program, you must have graduated from the University of Waterloo, School of Accounting and Finance programs. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Studienbüro des Fachbereichs 03 Gebäude Rewi II (Altbau, 1 121) Jakob-Welder-Weg 4 55128 Mainz. Discover the top master’s degrees in finance with the QS Business Masters Rankings: Finance.London Business School has retained its place at the top of the master’s in finance ranking this year, one of four schools from the United Kingdom to feature in the top 10. Your bachelor's degree in Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) sets you up for success. LBS achieves a perfect score for employability, one of the five indicators used to compile the ranking. You’ll be able to analyze, interpret, and communicate the information that drives business decisions. Your path to the CPA designation requires the completion of prerequisite education and professional program requirements. Masterstudiengang Accounting and Finance – Modulhandbuch WiSe 2018/19 Modulhandbuch Stand: 11.10.2018 (WiSe 2018/19) 4 1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE 1.1. The Master of Accounting (MAcc) degree is designed for individuals wanting to pursue the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. Dabei ist mindestens eines der Module Asset Management und Corporate Finance Theory zu belegen. While seeking the Master degree in International Economics and Public Policy at the University of Mainz, participating students might choose between a Master's degree in “Management” or in “Finance and Accounting” at SGH Warsaw. in Management or the M. Sc. Anfahrt/Lageplan in Accounting and Finance are allowed to apply for this double degree program! Comprehensive. Offered over two years during four-month full-time summer session (May - August), the MAcc allows you to complete all of the CPA Professional Education Program and prepares you to write the Common Final Examination (CFE). Master in Finance and Accounting SGH Warsaw. Kernmodule Es sind mindestens vier Kernmodule im Gesamtumfang von 24 Leistungspunkten zu wählen. Postanschrift. Only students who are enrolled in the Master of Science in International Economics and Public Policy (MIEPP), the M. Sc.