... 72076 Tübingen Heisenbergstr. Machine learning for advanced control of autonomous systems. We are continuously looking for outstanding students who are eager to do their Master thesis on a challenging project at the intersection of Machine Learning and Control. They offer an opportunity to learn about fundamental and advanced aspects of machine learning, data analysis and inference, from intellectual leaders of the field. Machine learning (ML) algorithms play an important role in data analysis and modeling both in science and industry. ML algorithms learn a program that solves a specific problem by looking at data that characterizes it. Abstract. Während die vervielfältigten Blätter Ma 1 und Ma 2 mehrfach in verschiedenen Ordnern des OttArchivs auftauchten, ist das Blatt Ma 3 mit den angegebenen Instrumenten anscheinend nicht erschienen oder zumindest nicht vervielfältigt worden (ein Entwurf für ein Blatt Ma 4 hingegen hat sich gefunden, jedoch auch keine Vervielfältigungen). The MLSS is a renowned venue for graduate students, researchers, and professionals. Open PhD and Post-Doc positions in our group, 23.12.2019 Meeting of the german 'Komitee für Forschung mit Neutronen (KFN)' in Tübingen, 25.10.2019 Our group is now associate member of the cluster of excellence 'Machine Learning in Science' Announcement. Full text of "Advanced lectures on machine learning : ML Summer Schools 2003, Canberra, Australia, February 2-14, 2003 [and] Tübingen, Germany, August 4-16, 2003 : revised lectures" See other formats Den Zugang zu Ihren Stundenplänen von WEB Untis erhalten Sie nach dem Einloggen über den Link auf der Übersichtsseite. Master Thesis Projects on Learning Control. This is the root page for Machine Learning Summer Schools at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.. MLSS's are a renowned venue for graduate students, researchers, and professionals. The Machine Learning Summer School will return to the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, from 19-30 June 2017.