Mutter Danielle war ebenfalls Fußballerin. That title belongs to Axel Perez by a country mile. Kommt einem dieser Name nicht irgendwie bekannt vor? Certamente a família Reyna também estava lá gritando. Joah needs to start playing up age groups more if we want to expect him to be in the u15 ynt this cycle and be a part of the 2023 u17 cycle. As well as his parents, his 12-year-old brother Joah-Mikel and 10-year-old sister Carolina have also made the journey to support him. Além dos pais, vieram também seu irmão Joah-Mikel, 12 anos, e sua irmã Carolina, 10. USA!” rang out around the Estadio Kleber Andrade for Giovanni’s first two matches, there is a good chance that the Reyna family were leading the chorus. Sein Vater Claudio kennt die Bundesliga, hat selbst für Bayer Leverkusen und den VfL Wolfsburg gespielt. Nachname „Reyna“? Neben den Eltern sind auch seine beiden Geschwister (Bruder Joah-Mikel, 12 Jahre; Schwester Carolina, 10) vor Ort. Joah Reyna would be part of the u14 cycle for the 2007's and is not the best prospect. Peach Geo ability is unique, and many people praise the same thing. Nas duas primeiras partidas no Estádio Kléber Andrade de Vitória, ouvia-se claramente o grito de "USA, USA" das arquibancadas. In his debut in Dortmund, Gio gives a good first impression and the club certainly enjoys it. rang out around the Estadio Kleber Andrade for Giovanni’s first two matches, there is a good chance that the Reyna family were leading the chorus. Reyna ist zu Hause im BVB-Jugendhaus. When chants of “USA! When chants of "USA! Auf jeden […] "Unsere ganze Familie ist fussballbegeistert“ - und ist extra nach Brasilien angereist, um ihn beim weltweiten Gipfeltreffen zu unterstützen. The 16-year-old Gio Reyna is a very talented football player who signed with Borussia Dortmund U-19 in July 2019. As well as his parents, his 12-year-old brother Joah-Mikel and 10-year-old sister Carolina have also made the journey to support him. USA!" Giovanni Reyna auf den Spuren seiner Eltern Gesamte Familie ist vor Ort bei der U-17-WM in Brasilien USA brauchen Sieg gegen Niederlande Giovanni Reyna ist DER Starspieler und Kapitän des U.S.-amerikanischen U-17-Teams, das sich aktuell bei der FIFA U-17-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in Brasilien befindet. Gemeinsam mit Reynas Bruder Joah-Mikel und seiner Schwester Carolina besucht sie ihren Sohn, wann immer es geht, in Dortmund.